MediaWiki Coding Workshop
Apr. 8th 2017 @ sektor5
Welcome to the coding workshop. This site is just a short reference sheet on what you need
to set up and hack around with your own MediaWiki installation.
hotspot: allmende
password: *************
If FTP does not work out for you, send your LocalSettings.php file to
For the installation (given a standard hosted web space with PHP and MySQL):
Sources for playing/hacking/* around with MediaWiki:
For learning HTML, CSS and PHP:
- codecademy - platform featuring lot's of free interactive courses for web dev and more
- - a free interactive php tutorial
- W3Schools - platform with lots of references and tutorials on web dev
- CodeSchool - platform with interactive tutorials on web dev and other stuff
- CoderDojo - platform with interactive tutorials on web dev and other stuff
- SELFHTML - good intros and tutorials for learning HTML and related web dev stuff (in german)
- W3C tutorials - tutorials referenced by the W3C (World Wide Web Consortium)
- tutorial - a tutorial on the site (the official PHP site; containing the official PHP documentation)

Happy hacking/playing/learning/*